Virtuous Vegetables

Virtuous Vegetables

The Fact: Vegetables can prevent disease. Any nutritionists, dieticians and medical professionals alike agree that a diet containing a large variety of fresh, seasonally grown vegetables equates to optimum nutrition and health. With recent scientific studies showing significant decreases in rates of disease among vegetarians and vegans who consume a plant-based diet, there is no doubt that common vegetables deserve the super-food title.

The Fiction: Powders can replace vegetables. Powdered vegetable substitutes are appearing all over the health-food market. Claiming to incorporate all of the essential compounds of their wholefood predecessors, these powder substitutes are not quite all they seem to be. Nutritional science takes the view that consuming vegetables the old fashioned way, whole and skin-on, provides the densest source of complete nutrition. So far, there is no substitution for a stir-fry in a powder!

  1. Cruciferous vegetables  Spinach, cress, rocket, kale, broccoli, collard greens, cabbages and sprouts all belong to the cruciferous family of vegetable. Arguably the most nutrient-dense family of vegetable – boasting protein, vitamin C and B, manganese and calcium – these vegetables are also high in vitamin K, which is essential for healthy gut functions.
  2. Sea vegetables  Including wakame, kelp and nori, sea vegetables contain a high level of bioavailable iron, calcium and iodine – helping to control the thyroid function. They may also be beneficial in helping to increase the body’s sensitivity to insulin and efficiency of dealing with glucose – reducing type 2 diabetes.
  3. Beetroot  Rich in nitrates, betaine and betaycanin, beetroot provides extremely diverse nutritional properties. The nitrates found in beetroot have been proven to significantly lower blood pressure, while improving blood flow and increasing oxygen uptake during intense physical exercise – reducing muscle fatigue.
  4. Black or white garlic  Garlic has been used for centuries as a potent herbal medicine. The active compound Allicin is a natural anti-microbial and has various proven healing properties. Furthermore, garlic has an active reduction on blood pressure and cholesterol, and can help elevate oestrogen levels in women. Black garlic appears to have even higher potency of these active compounds due to fermentation.