Parsley Seed essential oil benefits

Parsley Seed essential oil benefits

The essential oil is extracted from the dried seeds that are derived with the use of steam distillation process. It contains myristicin, apiole, tetramethoxyally benzene and pinene. Botanically, Parsley plant is called Petroselinum Sativum. The plant is native to Mediterranean region which is widely grown in the garden as a versatile culinary herb. The name was derived from Greek word: petros which means stone as it grows in rocky terrains.


Parsley essential oil possess anti-rheumatic, antimicrobial, antiseptic, anti-arthritic, astringent, antiseptic, circulatory, carminative, diuretic, digestive, detoxifier, febrifuge, emmegagogue, depurative, laxative, stomachic, stimulant, hypotensive and uterine activity. The oil is pale yellow to colorless having a bitter scent in comparison to the fresh plant.

Health Benefits of Parsley seed essential oil

Parsley seed essential oil provides health benefits which are discussed below:

  1. Eliminate microbes

Parsley essential oil has antimicrobial properties that help to eliminate microbe as well as its growth. It helps to prevent the multiplication of infections.

     2.  Treat arthritis

Arthritis and rheumatism are the diseases related to accumulation of uric acid in joints and muscles that obstruct the circulation of blood. It has depurative and detoxifying properties that eliminates toxins from the body and refresh blood. It promotes urination that helps to remove excess water, uric acid and salts. It promotes the flow of blood and enhances circulation. It also provides relief from the pain caused due to gout and arthritis.

  1. Prevent infections

Wounds have high chances of getting infected by microbes. The sepsis brings convulsions, cramps and hydrophobia. It could be cured by eliminating microbes and preventing its growth in an affected area. It prevents the multiplication of microbes.

  1. Overall health

It has astringent property that helps to induce contraction in muscles and tissues. Parsley essential oil could be used internally as well as externally to promote gum contractions, skin, muscles, blood vessels and hair roots.

  1. Intestinal health

Gases could cause nausea, flatulence, indigestion, headaches, vomiting, chest pains, stomachaches, hypertension and heart attacks. This oil prevents the formation of gases and eliminates it from the body.

  1. Elimination of toxins

Parsley essential oil assists the elimination of toxins and unwanted substances of the body. It prevents the diseases caused due to the accumulation of unwanted substances such as arthritis, rheumatism, skin diseases, boils and others.

  1. Assist digestion

This oil has herbaceous and spicy aroma that triggers appetite and also speeds up the digestion process by promoting the digestive juice secretion in the stomach. It speeds up the digestion process and makes you feel hungry.

  1. Promote urination

Parsley essential oil has detoxifying properties that promotes the quantity and frequency of urination. It assists in losing weight and provides relief from water logging and swelling. It helps to eliminate calcium as well as other deposits from the urinary tracts and kidneys by preventing the chances of infections in urinary system and renal calculi.

  1. Purifies blood

Parsley essential oil possesses depurative properties that assist in blood purification. It transports the oxygen to the tissues by promoting the circulation of blood.

  1. Menstrual problems

This oil has emenagogue property that promotes the secretion of estrogen and provides relief from the problems such as menstruation such as nausea, pain, abdominal cramps, annoyance and fatigue.

Traditional uses

  • It helps to lower inflammation, pain, cuts and digestive ailments.
  • It is a treatment for digestive problems such as indigestion, stomach pain and flatulence.
  • It is used to treat malaria, jaundice, acne, pimples and skin infections.
  • Massage hair with Parsley oil for the prevention of hair loss.
  • It provides relief from pain.
  • It is used as a muscular tonic and provides relief from arthritic and rheumatic pain.
  • It helps to normalize menstruation and its related problems such as abdominal cramp, nausea, pain and fatigue.
  • It is used to treat high blood pressure, cough, colic, hypertension, wounds, gastrointestinal disorders, jaundice, prostate cancer, sciatica, cystitis, cellulite, gall stones, gum problems and hemorrhoids.
  • It is used to provide relief from bladder and kidney problems.
  • It is used for purification of blood.
  • Add this oil to the cream by lowering blemishes and improves skin complexion.
  • It also eliminates uric acid.


  • Not to be used internally.
  • It should not be used on eyes and mucous membranes.
  • Consult the health practitioner for use.
  • It causes liver damage if ingested in high amounts.
  • Avoid by nursing and pregnant women as it could cause abortion.
  • Symptoms such as giddiness, low blood pressure, slow pulse and deafness could be experienced
  • It should not be used on young children.