Health benefits of Black Nightshade

Health benefits of Black Nightshade

Health benefits of Black Nightshade

Listed below are some of the popular health benefits of using Black Nightshade

1. Prevention of Cancer

Cancer is considered as one of the scariest disease for many people. Sometime, it took long time to free from cancer. Black nightshade is one of the best prevention of cancer because this black nightshade consists of solasonine, solasodine, solamargine, and solanine that prevents uncontrollable cancer cell. Solasodine plays role to relieve pain, to decrease your temperature, anti-inflammation, and anti-shock. Solamargine and solanine as antibacteria, and solanine as anti-mitosis. Those substances handle various types of cancer such as breast cancer, cervix, stomach, and respiratory tract cancer.

2. Prevents Jaundice

Black Nightshade is a best preventive medicine for jaundice. Since it strengthens the liver muscles chances of getting jaundice is very less. People suffering from jaundice can make their diet with Solanum and can vanish the disease condition. Extract prepared from leaves and fruits of black nightshade are used to cure jaundice and liver diseases.

3. Cures Appetite and Feel of Distastes

We can prepare homemade medicines using black nightshade for cold also. It cures the loss of appetite and feel of distastes.

4. Prevention to Hypertension

If you have high blood pressure risk, then it is recommended for you to consume black nightshade regularly. It is not only a fresh vegetable, but also benefits to prevent hypertension and high blood pressure.

5. Helps Digestion

Black nightshade supplies all the required nutrients for the body. If it is included daily in the diet it helps to digest the food easily.

6. Cure Fever

Solanum consists of phosphorus, vitamin A, C and Vit B, iron, calcium and other micronutrients. People suffering from body heat can eat the cooked black nightshade leaves to calm their body heat and best remedy for skin allergies too. Extract of Solanum can cure the fever and body pain and joint pain caused by the fever.

7. Relieve Back Pain

Black nightshade is quite beneficial to relieve back pain, sore, muscle pain, stiff waist and gout. And also for those who suffer from rheumatism, black nightshade is also useful to cure rheumatism and all the symptoms. Nigeria has used black nightshade as an herbal to cure rheumatism and also uric acid.

8. Prevent scurvy

Scurvy is a disorder in mouth because of fewer vitamins C. Consuming Solanum Nigrum can prevent scurvy because it consists of good amount of vitamin C that is beneficial as scurvy preventive medicine. Besides that, consuming Solanum Nigrum can help body to solve many problems of infections mouth.

9. Cures Ulcer

It is also the best medicine for mouth ulcer. People suffering from mouth ulcer can take it as a regular diet and it will heal the stomach ulcer also.

10. Help to cure herpes

If you get herpes, you can try Solanum Nigrum as traditional medicine to solve your herpes. Substance content in Solanum Nigrum is supposed that can prevent herpes ant its symptom.

11. Improve Liver Function

Black nightshade helps to improve liver function so that it is beneficial to neutralize and release toxins inside your body.

12. Soothes Sore Throat

It helps to soothe a sore throat; the public speakers as well as the singers should include this in their diet.

13. Works Natural Laxative Agent

ညBlack nightshade is rich in fiber content and it acts as a natural laxative agent to prevent constipation problem.

14. Stimulates Kidney Function

It is considered the best herb to stimulate kidney function and it helps the filter the urine from the kidney.

15. Cures Skin Diseases

Skin boils, allergy, heat boils, skin irritation can be cured by using the Solanum extract on the affected area. This green’s paste can act as an external medicine and can be applied to the skin for skin treatment.

16. Helps Good Sleep

Seeds of black nightshade fruits are air dried and powdered and mixed with milk and taken during the night, it aggravates good sleep and calms the body tiredness. Solanum Nigrum seeds are good if tuberculosis patients and diabetic people included daily their diet.

17. Cures Spleen Diseases

Black Nightshade is a medicine for spleen diseases also. Solanum Nigrum has an antibacterial activity and hence it kills the disease-causing bacteria in the body. It fights against the microorganism and tries to increase the immune response in the body. It supports the spleen muscles and soothes the stomach ulcers. It decreases the body heat all you need is black nightshade greens, cumin seeds, turmeric powder, gingelly oil and salt.

Heat the pan with gingelly oil add cumin seeds allow it to fry later add the greens and fry it till it is cook add a tumbler of water with little turmeric powder. Cook it and include this in your diet this will greatly add strength to the spleen, liver and heal the stomach ulcer.

18. For Dry Eyes

Although black nightshade is not a main menu, it is a supportive vegetable to cure dry eyes in the right portion by daily use. Dry eyes will be healthier if you eat black nightshade regularly. Thus, there are many health benefits of black nightshade.

19. As Men Contraception

Black nightshade is considered as a powerful natural contraception for men. Black nightshade will improve the production of sperm and male genital fertility.

20. Cyto-protective

Black nightshade is also useful as cytopotective that helps you to prevents and cure from kidney disease. It is also supported by the activity of anti ulserogenic which is linked to central nerve system, stomach and antineoplastic.

Traditional uses and benefits of Black Nightshade

  • Leaf juice is used to treat eye complaints especially conjunctivitis in Tanzania.
  • Pounded leaves are used to treat sores and related skin problems in Cameroon and Brazil.
  • Fruits have been used to treat worms in poultry in Nigeria.
  • Black Nightshade has been used to treat asthma in Hawaii.
  • It has been used to treat dermatophytoses and protozoal infections in Guatemala.
  • It has been used as a molluscicide and to treat gastrointestinal disorders in Puerto Rico.
  • Cutaneous leishmaniasis has been treated in Brazil using Black Nightshade.
  • Decoction of the leaves is used in a lotion for yaws and to alleviate neuralgic pains in several traditional medicines.
  • Fruits have laxative and diuretic properties and the juice is applied against dropsy and to cure eye diseases of chickens.
  • Berries are recommended as an aphrodisiac in West Java.
  • Its leaf juice is effective in curing Mouth Ulcers and Fever.
  • It helps in reducing earache.
  • It is a good herbal remedy for Asthma and Bronchitis.
  • It combats stomach problems like stomach cramps, flatulence, and stomach ache.
  • Black Nightshade counters Cirrhosis of the Liver. It also protects Liver and fights against Jaundice.
  • Decoction prepared from its leaves and stem is a good herbal cure for Diuresis.
  • Hemorrhoid is effectively treated by Black Nightshade.
  • Its leaf juice is beneficial to counter difficult menses.
  • It helps in curing Rheumatic Pain and Gout.
  • It is helpful in the treatment of measles.
  • It also helps in relieving pain associated with heart.
  • It acts a tonic for those who are dealing with anorexia.
  • Black Nightshade is used for the treatment of chronic fever.
  • Being anti-diarrheal in nature, it cures diarrhea and symptoms associated with it.
  • It provides strength and energy to the body.
  • Black Nightshade is used as a blood purifier.
  • It aids in treating night blindness.
  • It boosts immunity and fight against leucoderma.
  • It is used in the treatment of leprosy.
  • Black Nightshade fights against skin diseases such as itching or eczema.
  • Being anti-inflammatory in nature, it reduces inflammation associated with arthritis and gout.
  • It is useful for the treatment of Cancer.
  • Its fruit has been used to control diabetes.
  • Its juice is helpful for the treatment of ringworm.
  • Its fruit is used as a cosmetic. Rubbing the seeds of its fruit on the cheeks helps remove freckles.
  • Juice of black nightshade is occasionally used to treat fever and alleviate pain.
  • In Northern India, the boiled extracts of its leaves and fruits are used to alleviate the discomfort caused by liver-related ailments, even in jaundice.
  • Leaves of black nightshade plant strongly promote perspiration, when ingested in small amounts. They work to purge the bowels the next day.
  • Juice of the herb or an ointment prepared from it is externally applied to cure certain skin problems and tumors.
  • A decoction of the stalk, leaves, and roots of black nightshade is beneficial for wounds and cancerous sores.
  • Its berries are poisonous, but boiling them is believed to destroy the toxic substances and make them safe to be used for preserves, jams, and pies.
  • An infusion of the plant is used as an enema in infants suffering from abdominal upsets.
  • Freshly prepared extract of the plant is effective in treating cirrhosis of the liver and also works as an antidote to poisoning by opium.
  • Decoction of the root, mixed with lime juice and a pinch of salt, is drunk as a treatment for malaria.
  • An infusion of the leaves and stems is used to improve kidney function.
  • Juice extracted from the leaves is used to relieve chronic conjunctivitis and related inflammations.
  • Pounded leaves are used to treat sores and other skin problems.